A/2/12 vets attending the Reunion
accompanying them
Updated Monday May 16, 2016
honor Roll Family Members attending
total attendees
Paul Manske, son of Paul Manske, and his aunts and Paul Senior's sisters , Arlene Rasmussen and Barb Osheim, and Lorene Kitzmiller
Patty Randall, wife of Mike Randall, A/2/12 soldier killed on October 10, 1968 and her friend, Nancy Small
Christian Culleton, son of Carson Culleton
Lt Colonel Joe Elliott, 2/12th Commander who led us into Fire Support Base Gold with his son Russell, Elgin Panichelle his daughter and Hilah Pinachelle his granddaughter
Bill Bradbury, Recon Platoon Leader, 2/12th HHC and his wife Michelle
Ron More, 2/12th, 4.2 Mortar Platoon Leader and his wife Claudia
Richard Hazel, 3/22nd Defender at Fire Support Base Gold
Lou Urso, 2/77th artillery veteran of the Battle of Suoi Tre and his wife, Nancy
Marilyn Shulsky, Jim's widow and Doris Beyer, Jim's sister
Sandy Bergeron, Ron's widow
Baron Cebrosky, 2/12th Recon Platoon member and his wife, Susie
John Clifton, 2/12th Recon Platoon member and his wife Penny
Henry Osowiecki and Caroline
Bill Comeau and Chris, Michael their son, his wife Cindy, his wife and Keely their daughter
Porter Harvey and Jeanne
Jim Deluco
Peter Filous
Al Peckham
Sam Babcock
John Geraghty and Rosemarie
Walter Butkus and Maryann
John Stone and Brooke
Larry Walter and Kathy
Jon Palmer, A/2/12 Commander from December 1965-April 1967 and Sandy
Bob Livingston and Naoma
Carl Swon and Sandy
Jerry Peterson and Sandra
Steve Sanborn and Rhea
Bill Benner and Donna
David Todd and Sherry
Norm Minnier and Kathy
Charlie Mohr and Nancy
Brian Neal and Suzanne
Ray Glock and Jane McIntire
Norm Smith and his sister Judy Reynolds
Benny Martin and Jean
Bill Cameron and Lynn
Bill Braniff
Paul Askham
Ken Eising and Nellie
John Durcholz and Elvia
Ernie Jarvis and Imogene Jarvis
Jerry McClary and his wife, Wanda and their grandchildren, Hannah Abell, 13 and Rebekah Abell, 10
Paul Lovelace and Michelle
Joe Amos
Doug Brablec and Virginia Hoffman
Jerry Virzi and Paula
Ron Woycehoski
Ron Rich
Peter Cullen
Tom Zarlenga and Nancy
Roy Letta and Margaret
Steve Kawczak
Lynn Carpenter
Fred Nicholson
Gary Brenly
Jim Bisson